8 Man Football Defense Adjustments

The number one thing any defensive coach has to do is get their players lined up to the offensive formation. After that, they have to focus on adjusting to any shifts and motions gets mixed into the equation. 8 man football and other variations are no exception.
As we have expanded the FirstDown PlayBook 6 man football and 8 man football this is how we have approached it too. With so much going on we have had to prioritize our work.
For the present we are providing you with several different defenses and then we adjust those defenses to various formations. This way we can hand you the chalk to finish it up for your 8 man football defense.
Rest assured that we are always updating and improving FirstDown PlayBook so this section will certainly keep getting better with time. That is part of the beauty of FirstDown PlayBook though. You get to take football plays and defenses that we have started and edit them to fit your scheme. At the end of the day we buy you more hours in that day to coach.
There is another point to be made when looking at the FirstDown PlayBook 8 man football section. The 8 man game only varies from the eleven man game slightly. It is very easy for a coach to edit the thousands of 11v11 plays and defenses for your 8 man playbook. Just a tip for those who might use it.
We are launching massive improvements to FirstDown PlayBook this year. Once we release that we are going to turn our focus to these areas:
- 8 man football coaching points
- 9 man football (Offense & Defense)
- 12 man football (Offense & Defense)
Stay tuned…This is going to be a fun fall for FirstDown PlayBook, football and you.