7v7 Flag Football RPO Misdirection Play

If your flag football league does not allow blocking or if you are just looking for a little misdirection in you offense this play is worth looking at. There are a lot of things going on with this flag football RPO.
Of course the main thing is that you have the backs crossing and that always gives man coverage linebackers a problem. They often get caught up in their own traffic or run smack dab into one another.
Related: Flag Football Single Wing Concepts
There are some other sneaky things about this flag football RPO as well though. There is an element of deception that comes off of the flat curl concept. If the defense doesn’t bite on that there is help coming with a follow concept too. This allows you to stretch the field horizontally as well as vertically too. Many flag football offenses do not do that well enough.
Want to get more details about how to coach this flag football RPO and thousands of others just like it? All of the FirstDown PlayBook flag football plays have coaching points and player assignments to help you coach them up.
Are You Getting Your Center Involved In Your Flag Football RPO’s?
Now that you can edit all of these plays you have the best of both worlds. Professional coaches helping you scheme and you get the chalk last. That way you can put the finishing touches on any play and make it fit for your team! Remember FirstDown PlayBook has 4v4, 5v5,6v6,7v7, and 8v8 flag football plays too!