6 Man & 8 Man Football? Yes & Then Some

When you say FirstDown PlayBook you have said a mouthful. You can hear an NFL veteran coach talk about how he gets so much out of FirstDown PlayBook and then go around the corner and then hear a youth flag football coach say the same thing for different reasons! 6 man and 8 man football coaches too.
This is why we encourage coaches to really sit down with FirstDown PlayBook before starting your own playbook. It’s kind of like getting a tour of the facilities before you use them.
What often happens is a coach will jump in one section and totally forget that there are other helpful areas. A coach asked us about our 6 man and 8 man football plays and defenses the other day. It took us awhile to realize that he didn’t know we had a varsity and a youth section. This means for 6 man and 8 man plays too..
Now it is just common sense that FirstDown PlayBook is not going to have as many 8 man football plays as we do 11 man. Most of our coaches are coaching the 11v11 traditional way to play the game. This brings up another important thing to remember about FirstDown PlayBook. You can always edit our plays.
This is one of the many things that makes us unique. You can easily take an 11 man football play and make it an 8 man football play. In fact you can edit anything you want with FirstDown PlayBook. You can also create your own playbooks. FirstDown PlayBook also has video pairing and other helpful tools for coaches.
Today’s short video highlights this very thing and we hope it helps you if you coach 6 man or 8 man football, youth or varsity.