4 Years & No FirstDown PlayBook Price Increases
Here at FirstDown PlayBook we talk a lot about new things that we are doing to make your football playbook better. Although, sometimes it has to do with the X’s & O’s; at other times it revolves around the ways we make coaching your team easier and better. We have added a lot of helpful technology over the past four years. Know what we have not added to? The FirstDown PlayBook price.
That’s right. That is kind of unheard of right? For one reason or another there are a lot of price increases these days. You see it in the football industry too. The price is this amount, but if you add this on, it will cost you this much more. If you have more than 75 players then there will be an extra $200 fee too.
Related: With FirstDown PlayBook The Field Background Is Up To You!
Well we can give you this discount price of $3,000 but only if you jump on board with a 3 year contract. Oh, you want basketball too, well that’s going to be a little bit more. Sound familiar?
FirstDown PlayBook has not raised your price since our 2.0 launch in January of 2019. Look closely at a list of some of the technology improvements we have provided you in that span of time. A FirstDown PlayBook “Team” membership is still $700. A “Single User” membership is still $200.
Related: Present Install Meetings & Print Your PlayBook Install All In One Area
Here is an even bigger thing to consider. If you are a member of FirstDown PlayBook, we have never raised your price… ever. As long as your account stays current, your price is and has been the same forever. So at some point, if we do increase our prices, it will not affect you if you are a current customer.
We can’t speak for the future, but for the year 2022 this policy will stay in effect and we will not raise our prices. Yes, that means there is some incentive on your part to get moving. So take a look at the list of some of the improvements above. Understand that more are on the way as the list will grow. What won’t grow with it in 2022 is the price you pay for it!