Win or Lose… Football Coaches Work

By FirstDown PlayBook on Oct 9, 2022
Get Back To Work

Some football coaches and players had the win of their season this past weekend. Others had a heartbreaking loss. Most were somewhere in between. What we all have in common is now we get back to work.

Regardless of your score this past weekend, the beauty of our game is that we get to go back to work the next week. This game teaches us that we all do the same thing the next week regardless of the last game we coached. We get back to work.

I remember an old football coach who taught me when I first started coaching. He taught me something I never have forgotten. He said that two teams can play 59 minutes and 45 seconds. One team leads by a single point. The other team lines up to kick a 38 yard field goal.

More FDPB: We Draw Up Nick Saban’s Goal Line Stand vs A&M

Depending on if that football goes inside or outside of the goalpost, this will likely change how every football coach teaches the next week. Stop and think about that for a moment. Every player has played exactly the same before this one play. Yet, most coaches will be affected by the outcome of the game on the scoreboard. They will teach differently the next week depending on the score of the game.

That Kick Should Not Change How A Football Coach Works Next Week

You don’t have to look any further than last night’s game between Alabama and Texas A&M to see this. Would the coaches teach differently today if A&M scored on the last play? The football coaches who stay in this crazy profession for more than a minute understand that win, lose or tie we get back to work. This game of football teaches us about work. This lesson is by no means exclusive to football. We can all learn from this…

Just Get Back To Work

If you are poor, WORK. If you are rich, WORK. If you are burdened with seemingly unfair responsibilities, WORK.

If you are happy, continue to WORK. Idleness gives room for doubts and fears. If sorrow overwhelms you, and loved ones seem not true, WORK. If disappointments come, WORK.

If faith falters and reason fails, just WORK. when dreams are shattered and hopes seem dead, WORK. Work as if your life were in peril; it really is.

No matter what ails you, WORK. WORK faithfully and WORK with faith. WORK is the greatest material remedy available. WORK will cure both mental and physical afflictions.

Author Unknown

Charlie Coiner is the Founder of FirstDown PlayBook