Tight End Explosive? Yes.

By FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 27, 2021

There are a lot of ways to create offensive explosives but let’s be honest, Tight Ends are not a part of most of them. That can be a mistake if you are feeding your tight end with short routes all game. The defense will begin to sit on these routes.

There are a lot of ways to create offensive explosives but let’s be honest, Tight Ends are not a part of most of them. That can be a mistake if you are feeding your tight end with short routes all game. The defense will begin to sit on these routes.

There are a lot of ways to create offensive explosives but let’s be honest, Tight Ends are not a part of most of them. That can be a mistake if you are feeding your tight end with short routes all game. The defense will begin to sit on these routes.

Let’s first preface that we are going to be talking about tight ends that can play on the end of the line and can block. They are usually the same guys who run great stick routes and other ball control routes.

As dull as that might seem, it can be painful as an offense kills you with a million paper cuts. The NFL used to live on this philosophy. It was just art of the run game. Today we want to suggest that there is more meat on the bone if you want to go get it.

This Y Wheel play is one to incorporate at any level of football. It’s good for youth football because you can get your quarterback moving towards the throw. It also looks like other lays from this formation. Let’s list the plays that this looks like on the snap.

1. Sweep or QB Sweep

2. Sprint Pass To The Y Flat (again)

3. Curl Flat Concept Out Of Sprint

Of course it helps if you run one or all of the plays above as you set up this explosive. Also keep in mind that many quarterbacks will tell you that the wheel throw is easier to make than the flat throw.

The Coaching Points are straight forward and simple. Let’s take a look.

FORMATION: 2 Back Shut(Gun)

(Pistol) PLAY: Sprint Right/Left 8 Wheel To The Tight End

DROP: Throw Off Of The Third Or Fifth Step Of The Sprint Action.

SUGGESTED READ: Post Route To Wheel Route To Run


Z: Post Route

-Cheat split Inside By 2 Yards.

-Get vertical in a hurry and take the top off of the defense.

-Be alert For A Throw Out In Front If Defense Over Plays Sprint Action.

-If the QB gives A “Go” call turn And block first Defender You See.

Tight End : Wheel Route

-Outside release to the Flat at 2-3 Yards.

-Break The Stem Of The Post Route Runner.

-Turn Up Field And Run This Route Like A Fade Route.

-Expect The Ball To Be Outside As The QB Is Sprinting That Direction.

X: Protect Back Side

F: Protect Front Side H: Protect Front Side