The “Beast” Offense Is Bad For Youth Football

FirstDown PlayBook has strong opinions about the youth football Beast offense. We try very hard here at FirstDown PlayBook to not have all the answers.
There are a lot of reasons for this but the main one is that we don’t have all the answers. We are humble because we have been humbled as we coached with and against some of the best coaches in the world.
These days our goal is to pass along some if not all of what we have learned because we love this game and we value how it can change lives. Having said that, we do not like things that we think hurt our game. We are going to address one of them today.
There has been a youth football offense out there for awhile now called the “Beast” offense. It now appears that there are more than one group promoting it as a “great” youth football offense.
NFL Coaches On 12 Formations To Consider For Your Youth Football Offense
We do not think it adds any value to our game. In fact I think it is damaging to our game and even more so to the kids that run this offense. This formation looks nothing like what you will see real football coaches run. Nothing.
This looks like something you would see in rugby. If you want to coach rugby there are rugby leagues where you can go coach. This is not football. This does not help the kids learn football. There are other youth football offenses that we don’t agree with but this one is at the top of the list.
It might help some youth football coach feel good on Saturday night because (at the expense of all 22 players on the field) he found a way to win a youth football rugby match.
6 Youth Defenses Suggested By NFL Coaches (After You Run Them Out of The Beast)
Needless to say, we don’t think you should run this offense if you want to actually teach your players football. However, we know that some coaches will run it so you may have to defend it. Usually you can rely on sound youth football defense to remedy most problems. This may force you to play something just to run them out of the beast offense.
That’s why FirstDown PlayBook is going to begin installing multiple ways to stop this rugby, uh we mean football, formation. Watch the video to get started but we will have many different ways to run your opponent out of this silly formation soon on FirstDown PlayBook.