football playbook

How Do You Teach Defensive Adjustments?

How Do You Teach Defensive Adjustments?

by FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 21, 2020

Can you get on the board and fit your base defense up against any formation that the offense might throw at you? What about shifts, motions and trades?...

Bears’ Fuller Shows Up In A Critical Spot

Bears’ Fuller Shows Up In A Critical Spot

by Will Cinelli on Aug 20, 2020

Fuller, the corner, is the "force player" here, meaning he's the guy who needs to set the edge of the run and not get out-leveraged....

Special Teams Coach In A Pandemic Season

Special Teams Coach In A Pandemic Season

by FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 18, 2020

One area that is often neglected even when things are normal is special teams. Coaches are going to have to be as organized as they have ever been....

Coaching Can Increase Yards After Catch

Coaching Can Increase Yards After Catch

by FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 12, 2020

When we hear people invoke the abbreviation YAC we worry that they think it's completely a result of the player's talent. ...

Not All Mesh Concepts Are Created Equally

Not All Mesh Concepts Are Created Equally

by FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 9, 2020

It is important, however, to understand the difference in a Shallow Cross concept and a Drive mesh concept. ...

Super Bowl Champ’s Special Teams Grading

Super Bowl Champ’s Special Teams Grading

by FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 2, 2020

Super Bowl Champion Dave Toub of the Kansas City Chiefs taught me a very detailed system for grading individual effort and execution with special teams,...

Super Bowl Champ Dave Toub’s Point Chart

Super Bowl Champ Dave Toub’s Point Chart

by FirstDown PlayBook on Jul 12, 2020

Longtime NFL special teams coach and recent Super Bowl champion Dave Toub has shared his grading system with us on the FirstDown PlayBook website....

6 Man Football Demands Creativity

6 Man Football Demands Creativity

by FirstDown PlayBook on Jun 28, 2020

6 man football has many of the elements of 11 man football, but there are huge differences. For instance, every player is eligible to catch a pass....

Wisconsin Defense Leaves Few Places For This Ball To Go

Wisconsin Defense Leaves Few Places For This Ball To Go

by FirstDown PlayBook on Jun 26, 2020

Obviously the Wisconsin staff had done their homework because this defense looked like it was designed specifically for this play....

Wing T Counter Boot Can Be A Pain

Wing T Counter Boot Can Be A Pain

by FirstDown PlayBook on Jun 20, 2020

FirstDown PlayBook has an extensive play selection in your Boots, Waggles and Nakeds section. Have you checked it out?...

Beating Press Coverage With Technique

Beating Press Coverage With Technique

by Will Cinelli on Apr 30, 2020

After he expands the Corner, he opens up a window for the curl and does an excellent job of using his upper body and lower body at the same time. ...

Kickoff Return “Look Off” Technique

Kickoff Return “Look Off” Technique

by FirstDown PlayBook on Apr 28, 2020

A look off technique is when a blocker fakes like he is going to block a cover guy, only to pivot and block the player adjacent to him....