football playbook

Just Wave Goodbye…

Just Wave Goodbye…

by FirstDown PlayBook on Jan 1, 2021

All Kerrigan can really do is give an academy award acting performance as a defensive player being held on the play. Or just wave goodbye to Samuels....

8 Man Football Is Here!

8 Man Football Is Here!

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 26, 2020

FirstDown PlayBook is happy to announce that we are beginning to release 8 man football plays today! Get started now right now!...

Cowboys Create Conflict Of Assignment

Cowboys Create Conflict Of Assignment

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 23, 2020

Dalton fakes a flip opposite of the jet sweep. A combination of this and the good job Gallup does creates a big conflict of assignment for the 49ers....

Lions Dial Up A Slow Screen For Big Results

Lions Dial Up A Slow Screen For Big Results

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 19, 2020

The Lions dialed up a good old fashioned slow screen to Adrian Peterson this past Sunday. As you will see in this video the results were good....

Coverage Beaters: Cover 1

Coverage Beaters: Cover 1

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 12, 2020

The FirstDown PlayBook Coverage Beaters is a section where an offensive coach can go to find effective passing game plays to attack a specific coverage. ...

FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 Levels The Playing Field

FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 Levels The Playing Field

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 11, 2020

Odds are you are going to line up against someone using FirstDown PlayBook this 7on7 season so let's level the playing field today....

Packers Put On Four Minute Football Clinic

Packers Put On Four Minute Football Clinic

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 9, 2020

The Packers found themselves in a four minute situation this past Sunday with about two and a half minutes left in the game. Here's what they called....

Jabril Peppers Defines Block Destruction

Jabril Peppers Defines Block Destruction

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 8, 2020

Jabril Peppers walks to the line of scrimmage pre-snap and the Seattle tight end goes in return motion. Once the ball was snapped the fireworks began!...

Arkansas Trick Play Fake Field Goal

Arkansas Trick Play Fake Field Goal

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 6, 2020

Take a look below at this video and take notes because you can easily run this same trick play fake if you ever get this field goal block alignment!...

Create 3-4 Pressure Away From Rotation

Create 3-4 Pressure Away From Rotation

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 4, 2020

This is a base personnel pressure below that we call 3-4 Wig where you are getting your pressure off of the weak side of a 3x1 formation....

Titans Old School Bob Run Game Vs Colts!

Titans Old School Bob Run Game Vs Colts!

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 2, 2020

Both backs will take zone steps on BOB that mirror the footwork of the offensive linemen. Normally an offense will look to run this play to a shade....

Green Bay’s Tonyan Displays The Huge “Little Things”

Green Bay’s Tonyan Displays The Huge “Little Things”

by FirstDown PlayBook on Dec 1, 2020

These are all attributes that add up in the NFL. They are often why one talented player lasts two years and another player stays in the league for nine!...