Long Snapping Basics
Long Snapping is an underappreciated skill that wins and loses games. It is unique in the sense that everybody’s form is different. Much like a golf swing, you must find what works best for you.Today we are going to look at some fundamental long snapping basics.
Long Snapping Stance
- Feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width
2. Toes are straight ahead, pointed forward
3. Back is flat, chest neutral
4. 60% of your weight should be on your heels, 40% on your toes
5. Some snappers will look back at the punter, some are more comfortable looking at the
ball; both are acceptable
Snapping Grip
- Ball should be gripped with a 45 degree tilt
- The dominant hand grips the ball as if they are throwing it
- The opposite hand (guide hand) is generally around the middle seam of the ball
- Do not grip too tight. You should be able to stick 2 fingers in between the snappers
hands and ball - If the grip is balanced it does not matter how the snapper grips the ball
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Long Snapping Follow Through
- Stance and grip will vary, but follow through should not
- Aim to finish in a ‘4’
- Eyes should get all the way back to the punter as the legs reach its stopping point and the
- hands are finishing (simultaneously).
- Just like throwing a ball, the ball should come off the fingertips of the snapper
- The Snapper should finish with their wrists together and thumbs out
- The ‘4’ represents the upper half, core, and eyes finishing through to the punter
Mental Approach
- None of this matters if you do not believe in yourself
- Belief and confidence are built through hundreds of repetitions
- Repetition allows a player to trust his form in a high pressure situation
Common Problems
1. High snap – Back may not be flat or the snappers hands may be finishing to the sky
instead of straight back

2. Low snap – Back may not be flat or the snappers hands may be finishing to the ground
instead of straight back
3. Poor Spiral – flicking the ball instead of a wrists together thumbs out finish or uneven
grip on the ball
4. Snap isn’t straight – Butt not pointing towards punter
Jack Wellenhofer Is The Special
Teams Coordinator For Brevard College
These are the basics of long snapping. It takes hundreds of repetitions to become proficient.
However, quality over quantity is still supreme. While every player will have their own
preference, these are the general mechanics that are critical for a successful snap.
Jack Wellenhofer is the Special Teams Coordinator at Brevard College in Brevard, North Carolina.