FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 & 7v7 Flag Football

By FirstDown PlayBook on Sep 6, 2023
FirstDown PlayBook Is Your 7on7 Headquarters

It’s that time of year where we get the questions about the FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 football plays and 7v7 Flag plays. While both of these sections are important pieces to the FirstDown PlayBook puzzle, they are different in what they should be used for.

The FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 plays are found in the Varsity Offense section. These plays are essentially the same ones that you would use to coach your eleven man football offense. The exception is that we remove the play action and boots & nakeds.

These plays and defenses are designed specifically for the drop back and the quick game prominently used in 7on7. We actually call it 7on7 instead of 7v7 to distinguish it from the flag football plays I am about to describe.

FirstDown PlayBook Is Your 7v7 Flag Football Headquarters

Why do we draw the offensive line in the 7on7 play diagrams? Splits of course. The offensive tackles offer your slot and single receivers a reference point for where to line up. If you don’t like this style then that is where the FirstDown PlayBook editing tool comes in handy. You can simply delete the offensive line.

As you can see from the two football plays that we have here for you today the plays can be very similar when it comes to 7v7 flag football plays. The main difference is that the center now becomes part of the concept. Another huge difference is that the 7v7 flag football game allows for running the football too. This is the same for most flag football rules including 5v5 flag football.

More 7on7 Passing Game Help Here

So as you begin to look for the FirstDown PlayBook section to help your football coaching needs, be aware of the differences. Want to learn more? Click on either of these two plays to watch this 60 second video and we will explain more.


7on7 Mesh Concept
7v7 Flag Play