Football Coaching Carousel Gives Venables A Chance

Here at FirstDown PlayBook we don’t get into the football coaching carousel very much anymore. Maybe because for many years it turned our world upside down every year or two. It’s part of the process and anyone who has coached long enough knows it. If you do not…hang on, the profession will teach you.
What we do enjoy is seeing good football coaches get a chance to run their own program. Head coaches who leave one program to run another program is usually about money or a better chance to win a title. When an assistant coach gets a head job it is often a dream come true. It’s their chance to use their hard work over their past to run their own program.

One coach who got that opportunity this year’s football coaching carousel was Brent Venables. We don’t know him personally other than shaking his hand a time or two at the Senior Bowl or AFCA convention. We have however, studied what he has done with the Clemson defense.
You will see from the two diagrams we drew up over the past few years that we have admired his work. There were times that even with Trevor Lawrence, Clemson needed an outstanding defensive performance to win.
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He has been extremely creative while at the same time remaining sound as he did it. Venables seems to be good example of playing offense on defense. In other words he makes offensive coordinators worry about what he is doing as much as he worries about what they do.

All we know is this. The Big 12 better be looking out for some aggressive defenses. This year’s football coaching carousel has given them a defensive challenge. We are also glad that great assistant coaches are getting a chance. Take a look at these two examples of what the Big 12 offensive coaches will have to deal with