Youth Football Plays & Coaching

Coaching a youth football team is hard. It requires a lot of time before, during and after practice. FirstDown PlayBook™ understands that coaching youth football is about more than just plays. We know that the proper fundamentals and techniques must be taught to insure safety and success.
Fortunately, our Coaches Community site provides you with everything you need to get started. Check out some of our youth football coaching articles below, or head over to our Youth Football Play Library & Play Drawing & Software to quickly and easily find the best youth football plays for your team, and then edit them to your liking! (Our youth football plays were drawn by real NFL coaches, and include coaching notes and player assignments!)

Coach, Your Presentation Matters
I see coaches every day who think that they are so good that their presentation does not matter. That's a big mistake in the year 2021....

Blocked Punt? The Culprit Might Be Your Punter.
Whenever you see a punt blocked the announcers race to find a flaw with protection but rarely point out the main culprit...the punter....

Defensive Coaches: Details Matter Too
There is no earthly explanation of why defensive coaches would teach players from the offensive side of the ball....

“Coach” Is A Huge Powerful Word
As a coach, the past week has been frustrating because our game has done much more to tear down those barriers than it has to build them. ...

Youth Football Gap Protection
Your pass protection rules should be very simple. As simple as one word...Gap. Youth football gap protection is the only way to go....

Youth Football Trick Play From A Trick Formation
Today's youth football trick play is a chance to look crazy complicated to the defense but stay simple for your players....

It’s Not A Counter Run Unless it Has This
Today we are going to look at what constitutes a counter run. If you have not read yesterday's blog I would do that. ...

Teaching Wrong Arm Fits In Youth Football
Today we take a look at a video breaking down youth football wrong arm fits. You may notice that we didn't say wrong arm technique....

3 Reasons Youth Coaches Want Parents Involved
Your parents are going to be involved with your youth football program if you are the coach. Stop fighting it. ...

Put A Value On An Hour Of Your Time
Odds are that Nick Saban is a lot richer than you, but you know what? He can't buy one second more of time than what you have in a day....

Immediate Coaching Feedback Is Critical To Practice
Giving immediate coaching feedback is a big part of any great football practice. The best football coaches get it done quickly & efficiently....

3 Reasons Pursuit Drill Should Be Your First Drill
Here are three reasons that the very first defensive drill you should run with your defense should be the pursuit drill. ...