Another Way To Find Your Football Play
When you are looking for football play information it can be helpful to narrow your search down to exactly what you are looking for. However, sometimes your focus can be too narrow.
FirstDown PlayBook is spending some of our day, every day, installing 9 man and 12 man football plays. We have found it to be helpful to lean on the other plays we have in FirstDown PlayBook’s other sections.
Take for instance, if we are drawing up a trap or a trap option. There are probably already several versions of this football play in FirstDown PlayBook. It would be silly not to use these football plays as a resource as we grow.
This goes for you too. If you are looking for a trap run play and you cannot seem to find the exact way you want to run it in the 9 man section, then try this. Clear that filter and look at all of the traps we have in FirstDown PlayBook.
We bet that you will find your football play in one or more of the sections. It might be drawn up in the 11v11 section and you have what you need with a slight edit.
Now please understand, FirstDown PlayBook’s goal is to have all of the football plays in every section at some point. Trust us when we say we are working towards that goal. Until then though, watch this video and you might just learn that you have more help in FirstDown PlayBook than you thought!