high school football

8 Man QB Power Rules Look Very Familiar
This 8 man football QB Power shows how there is a lot more translation to your 11 man football plays than 6 man plays....

Free 3-Day Memberships For High School & College Coaches
Starting today all college and high school football coaches will be eligible for a free 3 day free membership on FirstDown PlayBook. ...

Buckeye Receiver Fundamentals Show Up On Tape
Ryan Day will be a happy coach today when he sees this. Ohio State's receiver fundamentals showed up in a big way yesterday against Nebraska....

Coach, Your Presentation Matters
I see coaches every day who think that they are so good that their presentation does not matter. That's a big mistake in the year 2021....

Use Switch Releases At The Line Of Scrimmage
Much of the success a receiver achieves is dependent on the work they get done at the line of scrimmage. Switch releases can help....

Smash Concept From Waggle Protection
Pushing the ball down the field can be hard for a young quarterback. That's why we like this smash concept off of waggle protection....

8 Man Football Toss Sweep
We want to use this 8 man football toss sweep today to prove that a blocking scheme does not need to be complicated to be good....

Defensive Coaches: Details Matter Too
There is no earthly explanation of why defensive coaches would teach players from the offensive side of the ball....

Millard South HS (NE) Slow Screen Execution
As a coach your job is to get your best players in space with the ball. That is what the Millard South (NE) coaches did on this slow screen....

Pineville HS (Ky): All 22 Play of the Week
Let's take a look at this play where Pineville High School located in Kentucky won a last second game against Cumberland Gap High School....

FlexBone Slot Iso Misdirection
FlexBone Slot Iso Misdirection is one of our favorite plays because it's a counter from a formation that's not even determined until the snap....

9 Man & 12 Man Football Install Update
We wanted to give you a 9 Man and 12 Man football install update. By the end of this weekend you will have plays in every run area you choose...