FirstDown PlayBook Coaches Community
Can’t Draw Football Plays? You Don’t Know It.
FirstDown PlayBook thinks there is a difference in a football fan and a football expert. An expert should be able to draw football plays....
Flag Football Is The Wild Wild West Right Now
Flag football is the wild wild west right now. So many moving parts and that can bite you if you don't know what you are doing. ...
Can I Take My Playbook Work With Me?
Get hired? Check. Get fired? Check. Assistant coach getting a head coaching job? Once again, check. Take your playbook work with you....
East Coast Coaches Meet Caleb Holfoth
Caleb Holfoth is a "football junkie" and if you coach football on the eastern side of the United States then you are the beneficiary....
Special Teams: Value Of A Squib Kick
Every Head Coach or Special Teams Coordinator will have to choose to squib kick or kickoff normally if they coach long enough....
Flag Football Offense Progression Read
Incorporating progression reads into your flag football offense will help you eliminate sacks and give the defense multiple things to defend....
FirstDown PlayBook PlayCard Vs PlayGrid Teaching
FirstDown PlayBook understands that the more ways a coach can teach their players the better. PlayCards & PlayGrids help you get that done....
Youth & Flag Football Travel Teams
Coaching a youth football travel team or a flag football travel team presents specific challenges with players coming from different places....
FirstDown PlayBook’s Western U.S. Coach Corey Heinz
Corey Heinz is a football coach and understands exactly what a high school and college football coach does on a daily basis....