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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I draw my own football plays?

Yes! Our NFL quality football play drawing tool is very easy to use and has everything anyone needs to create well-drawn football plays.

Can I create my own football playbooks?

Yes! FirstDown PlayBook makes it very easy for you to create custom football playbooks and organize them with multiple levels of folders. You can share these playbooks with your team via PDF or printed copies.

Can I edit the 35,000 pre-drawn football plays within FirstDown PlayBook?

Yes! You can custom edit every football play in FirstDown PlayBook to fit your team's needs, including Offense plays, Defense plays, Special Teams plays, Flag Football plays, Youth Football plays, and more.

Is FirstDown PlayBook designed for all levels of football?

Yes! FirstDown PlayBook caters to all levels of football, including Youth Football, High School Football, College Football, Intramural Football, and Professional Football. Users range from 5-year-old flag football coaches all the way up to the NFL!

Who draws the plays on FirstDown PlayBook?

All of the football plays inside FirstDown PlayBook were drawn by former NFL coaches and players.

Are my football plays and football playbooks saved from year to year and can I transfer them from team to team?

Absolutely! When you come back next season, your plays and playbooks will be here waiting for you. You can always take your single-user memberships with you from school to school or program to program. Playbooks can be transferred from one single-user membership to another single-user membership for $25 per transfer. For full-team memberships, the transfer is free.

I coach flag football, do you have a lot of content for that?

Plenty! FirstDown PlayBook provides a very comprehensive section of flag football plays that includes 4v4, 5v5/NFL Flag, 6v6, 7v7 & 8v8 for both offense and defense. The flag football membership is great for youth and adult leagues and The Official Playbook of Matt Leinart Flag Football and the NAIA Wome's Flag Football National Champions!

I’m new to coaching football, will this help me?

FirstDown PlayBook is the perfect tool for new football coaches! Every football play has detailed coaching points and player assignments for every position. We also post to our blog daily about ways to help you and your team become better.

Can I print football plays from FirstDown PlayBook?

Yes! You can print plays, multiple plays on one page (PlayGrids), full football playbooks, as well as football wristband sheets.

I coach 6-man/8-man/9-man/12-man football, will this help me?

Yes! FirstDown PlayBook has dedicated sections for 6-man football, 8-man football, 9-man football, and 12-man Canadian football.

Is FirstDown PlayBook easy to use?

Absolutely! FirstDown PlayBook has worked hard to help you coach football and save time. We allow you to easily and efficiently find, save and draw football plays and football playbooks.

Will FirstDown PlayBook work for my 7on7 team?

Yes! FirstDown PlayBook has thousands of 7on7 pass plays that are perfect for your 7v7 football team.

Who uses FirstDown PlayBook?

Football coaches of all levels use FirstDown PlayBook. Click here to see what coaches have to say about FirstDown PlayBook!

Can I cancel my or change my membership?

Yes. Your subscription plan may be canceled at any time. This is an automatic renewal subscription. If you cancel your subscription, it will not auto-renew, but you will retain access to your account until the end of your subscription period. You can always upgrade to a longer plan or a plan with more football.

How do I get help on FirstDown PlayBook?

We have many resources to help you coach football and use FirstDown PlayBook! Our Help Page has plenty of short videos that show you how to use FirstDown PlayBook. Our Coaches Community Site provides helpful football coaching tips, clinics, and featured X and O’s. You can also always email us at or call us at (512) 814-6158.

What computers/devices can I use FirstDown PlayBook on?

FirstDown PlayBook is a web-based program. That means there is no download necessary and it can be used on any device that has an internet browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Edge. This includes desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. However, we do recommend drawing and editing plays on a larger device.